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About Me

I was always drawn to the healing profession and in my early career I worked as a Mental Health Nurse. During that time I witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of mental and emotional disorders, especially when people hadn't received help in time. 


While working within the confines of the healthcare system I was limited to offering a combination of pharmacology and talk therapies that were often ineffective. As a result I started looking beyond nursing for alternative forms of healing. 


In treating clients and in my own healing journey I realised that conventional health services tend to treat symptoms while ignoring the root cause of the problem. This led me to look into holistic approaches such as energy healing.


Further training in other modalities brought a deeper understanding of the mind, body, spirit connection and that we all have unlimited potential we can tap into. Growing up in rural Ireland I was very connected to the land, which I felt was imbued with magic and mystery.  I have Spirit Guides and Ancestors dating back to ancient Ireland, who assIst me with my healing work, especially with House and Land Clearing.


I find it incredibly rewarding to facilitate healing for clients, and to share what I have learned with them.

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Frances Molloy

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